551 Ridgecrest Drive Madison MS
Mon - Sat

Mike Mulvihill

When did you start Jiu Jitsu?

August 2012

Why did you start Jiu Jitsu?

I’m a 2nd degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do.  About a month after I received my 2nd degree belt, I saw a Jiu     Jitsu demonstration.  I was amazed at the movement and usefulness of the art.  I also saw how this would be a perfect compliment for the stand up aspects of Tae Kwon Do.  About 2 weeks after I saw this demo, I saw an ad in the paper for the new site for Gracie South.  I came in, took the week’s worth of free lessons and then signed a year’s contract.  I’ve been here ever since.

What is your favorite submission?

Kimora.  I look for that move from almost any angle.  I learned so much about this submission from the Chris Brennan seminar that was held at Gracie a couple of years ago.

What is your least favorite position to be in?

When someone has control of me from behind.  I always struggle to escape a solid back control.

Tell us a little about yourself outside the academy

I work for the Mississippi Department of Education.  I’m the Director of Career and Technical Education.  This is the group that works with students in Agricultural, Health, Information Technology and Engineering programs. We work with students in grades 6-12.  Each year, we have around 125,000 students state wide that take one of our middle school, Family Consumer Science and high school programs.  About 3000 teachers statewide teach these programs.  While this is a challenging job, I love it because there is always something new in the business world, technology and education.  I’m married with 2 children, a boy and a girl and have a dachshund named Belle.  I live in Brandon and have been there for about 25 years.  I teach a 7th grade boys Sunday School class at First Baptist Church, Brandon and serve as an Instructor for our karate school at the church.  This school serves as a mission for students as a way to teach leadership and confidence as well as getting more folks engaged in our church.

Tell us something we might not know about you.

We moved a lot when I was younger.  My dad had a job with the Federal Aviation Administration and you moved to where the jobs were located.  As a result, I went to 6 different schools in 3 different states.  This always made starting over in a new area a little difficult. This is why Brandon is really my home, even though I was born in Houston, Texas. I’m also a lefty.  There aren’t any left handed people on either side of my family, so this makes me a little different.

How has Jiu Jitsu affected your life outside the gym?

Jiu Jitsu has pushed me to breathe through tough spots which certainly carries over to my job.  It has also pushed me to continue to get better.  I’ve been able to adapt to moves and transitions that I would never have though about before.  It helps me to center myself personally and professionally.  I would highly recommend Jiu Jitsu to anyone.  One of the best parts of Gracie is the support you receive here from the instructors and other students.  It gives you the confidence to push forward into personal and professional areas